HKIAS Senior Fellow, Professor Qi-Kun Xue won the Oliver E. Buckley Prize

Professor Qi-Kun Xue

HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Qi-Kun Xue won the Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize 2024, an accolade that recognises outstanding theoretical or experimental contributions to condensed matter physics.

Professor Xue shared the Prize with Professor Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard University, US), “for groundbreaking theoretical and experimental studies on the collective electronic properties of materials that reflect topological aspects of their band structure.”

Professor Xue is a leading scientist in the field of condensed matter physics. He became a professor at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 and, since 2005, has been a professor in the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University. In 2020, he became the third President of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China and Chair Professor in the Department of Physics of SUSTech. He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005 and a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2016. He won the TWAS Prize in Physics in 2010, the Future Science Prize for Physical Science in 2016, China’s Natural Science Award (the First Prize) in 2018, and The Fritz London Memorial Prize in 2020, among others.

The Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize is an annual award given by the American Physical Society. It is named after former Bell Laboratories president Oliver E. Buckley.

Read more at the American Physical Society.