Professor Serge Haroche

Meeting the Nobel Prize Winners at CityU
Meeting the Nobel Prize Winners at CityU
CityU News Centre · 10 Nov 2017
City University of Hong Kong presented the prestigious Nobel Science Week that featured three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics from 6 to 10 November.

城大新聞網 · 2017年11月10日

城大新聞網 · 2017年11月3日

CityU confers honorary doctorates on three distinguished persons
CityU confers honorary doctorates on three distinguished persons
CityU News Centre · 3 Nov 2017
City University of Hong Kong (CityU) conferred honorary doctoral degrees on IAS Senior Fellow Professor Serge Haroche, Dr Joseph Lee, GBS, OStJ, JP and Professor Wendelin Werner in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society at an awards ceremony held on 3 November. Dr Chung Shui-ming, University Pro-Chancellor, presided over the ceremony.

星島日報 · 2017年7月27日
城市大學頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出人士,包括諾貝爾物理學獎得主塞爾日.阿羅什 (Serge Haroche),和富塑化集團主席、和富慈善基金主席及和富社會企業會長李宗德,以及菲爾茲獎得主、蘇黎世聯邦理工學院數學系教授溫德林.沃納,頒授儀式將於十一月舉行。

城大新聞網 · 2017年7月26日
香港城市大學(大學)將頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出人士:塞爾日‧阿羅什教授 (Professor Serge Haroche)、李宗德博士,GBS,OStJ,JP、溫德林‧沃納教授,以表彰他們對教育及社會的重大貢獻。頒授儀式將在2017年11月舉行。諾貝爾物理學獎得主塞爾日‧阿羅什教授將獲頒榮譽理學博士學位。阿羅什教授是城大高等研究院資深院士及法蘭西公學院榮休教授,他的研究主要在量子光學及量子資訊科學等範疇。

CityU to confer honorary doctorates on three distinguished persons
CityU to confer honorary doctorates on three distinguished persons
CityU NewsCentre · 26 Jul 2017
City University of Hong Kong (CityU) will confer honorary doctoral degrees on Professor Serge Haroche, Dr Joseph Lee, GBS, OStJ, JP and Professor Wendelin Werner in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society. The awards ceremony will be held in November 2017. Professor Serge Haroche, a distinguished scholar and a Nobel Laureate in Physics, will be conferred an Honorary Doctor of Science. Professor Haroche is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at CityU and Professor Emeritus at the Collège de France. His main research activities lie in quantum optics and quantum information science.

城大新聞網 · 2016年10月28日
諾貝爾物理學獎得主Serge Haroche教授10月26日主持香港城市大學(城大)高等研究院傑出講座,講述關於光的基本問題如何塑造了我們的自然觀。

What is light?
What is light?
CityU NewsCentre · 28 Oct 2016
A​ Nobel Laureate in Physics discussed how fundamental questions about light have shaped our vision of nature at a distinguished lecture held by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 26 October.

IAS Senior Fellow Professor Serge Haroche Awarded 2016 IEEE Honorary Membership
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Serge Haroche Awarded 2016 IEEE Honorary Membership
IEEE Website · 18 May 2016
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Serge Haroche was awarded the 2016 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Honorary Membership for the development of cavity quantum electrodynamics, leading to fundamental quantum physics studies and to a wide range of applications.

城大高研院開幕 聚焦三跨科主題
城大高研院開幕 聚焦三跨科主題
文匯報 · 2015年11月23日

城大創高等研究院 頂尖專家組團隊 關注公眾健康 建造智能城市
城大創高等研究院 頂尖專家組團隊 關注公眾健康 建造智能城市
星島日報 · 2015年11月23日

城大新聞網 · 2015年11月22日

CityU's Institute for Advanced Study will champion bold new research initiatives
CityU's Institute for Advanced Study will champion bold new research initiatives
CityU NewsCentre · 22 Nov 2015
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) marks a new phase in the promotion of innovative research in Hong Kong by world-leading scholars to address critical global challenges of today.