Quality, reliability, and data science have been important classical and emerging research areas in the past few decades within various disciplines in statistics, industrial and systems engineering, data science, electrical engineering, etc. They have received a lot of successes in many industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, energy, transportation, finance.
Part 1 - Workshop on Quality, Reliability, and Data Science (16-19 May)
The workshop will be conducted in half-day sessions, with a total of 8 sessions over the four-day workshop. In each session, a senior speaker will be invited to give a 1-hour & 15 min lecture on his/her research topic, followed by three short presentations by early career researchers on their related research. At the end of each session there will be open discussions, comments and exchanges on the relevant research topic.
Part 2 - Special symposium dedicated to Professor Way Kuo (21-22 May)
In the 1.5-day special symposium each speaker will be invited to give a short talk on his/her research topic followed by discussions.