Professor Serge Haroche

Chairman of Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong

Professor Emeritus at the Collège de France

Member of the French Academy of Sciences

Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Sciences

Nobel Laureate in Physics (2012)

Professor Serge Haroche

Contact Information

Web: Personal Homepage
Professor Serge Haroche was born in 1944 in Casablanca. He graduated from École normale supérieure (ENS), receiving his doctorate from Paris VI University in 1971 (thesis advisor: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji). After a post-doctoral visit to Stanford University in the laboratory of Arthur Schawlow (1972-73), he became full professor at Paris VI University in 1975, a position he held until 2001, when he was appointed Professor at Collège de France (Holder of the chair in quantum physics and Director of Collège de France from 2012 to 2015).

He has been Maître de Conference at École Polytechique (1974-1984), visiting professor at Harvard (1981), part time professor at Yale University (1984-1993), member of Institut Universitaire de France (1991-2000) and chairman of the ENS Department of Physics (1994-2000). His research has mostly taken place in laboratoire Kastler Brossel at ENS, where he now works with a team of senior coworkers, postdocs and graduate students.

Serge Haroche has received many prizes and awards, including the Grand Prix Jean Ricard of the French Physical Society (1983), the Einstein Prize for Laser science (1988), the Humbold Award (1992), the Michelson Medal from the Franklin Institute (1993), the Tomassoni Award from La Sapienza University (Rome, 2001), the Quantum Electronics prize of the European Physical Society (2002), the Quantum Communication Award of the International Organization for Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (2002), the Townes Award of the Optical Society of America, the CNRS Gold Medal (2009) and the Herbert Walter Prize of the German Physical Society and the Optical Society of America.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (with David J. Wineland) in 2012.

He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences and a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and the American Academy of Art and Sciences. He has received in 2009 a five year advanced research grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

Selected papers (from 1982 to 2011)

  1. J.M.Raimond, P.Goy, M.Gross, C.Fabre and S.Haroche, “Statistics of Millimeter-Wave Photon Emitted by a Rydberg Atom Maser; An Experimental Study of Fluctuations in Single Mode Superradiance”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 49, 1924 (1982).
  2. P.Goy, J.M.Raimond, M.Gross and S.Haroche, “Observation of Cavity-Enhanced Single Atom Spontaneous Emission”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 50, 1903 (1983).
  3. M.Brune, J.M.Raimond, P.Goy, L.Davidovich and S.Haroche, “Realization of a Twophoton Maser Oscillator”, Phys.Rev.lett. 59, 1899 (1987).
  4. W.Jhe, A.Anderson, E.Hinds, D.Meschede, L.Moi and S.Haroche, “Suppression of Spontaneous Decay at Optical Frequencies: Test of Vacuum Field Anisotropy in Confined Space”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 58, 666 (1987).
  5. M.Brune, S.Haroche, V.Lefèvre-Seguin, J.M.Raimond and N.Zagury, “Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of Small Photon Number by Rydberg Atom Phase Sensitive Detection”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 65 (1990) p. 976.
  6. S.Haroche, “Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics” in “Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics” les Houches session LIII J. Dalibard, J.M. Raimond et J. Zinn Justin éditeurs, Elsevier Science Publishers (1992).
  7. M.Brune, S.Haroche, J.M.Raimond, L.Davidovich and N.Zagury, “Manipulation of Photons in a Cavity by Dispersive Atom-Field Coupling: Quantum Nondemolition Measurements and Generation of SchröDinger Cats” Phys.Rev.A 45 5193(1992).
  8. V.Sandoghdar, C.Sukenik, E.Hinds and S.Haroche, “Direct Measurement of the Van Der Waals Interaction between an Atom and Its Images in a Micron-Sized Cavity”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 68 3432(1992).
  9. M.Brune, F.Schmidt-Kaler, A.Maali, J.Dreyer, E.Hagley, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Quantum Rabi Oscillation: A Direct Test of Field Quantization in a Cavity”, Phys.Rev.Lett 76, 1800 (1996).
  10. M.Brune, E.Hagley, J.Dreyer, X.Maitre, A.Maali, C.Wunderlich, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Observing the Progressive Decoherence of the Meter in a Quantum Measurement”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 77, 4887 (1996).
  11. E.Hagley, X.Maître, G.Nogues, C.Wunderlich, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Generation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pairs of Atoms”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 79, 1 (1997).
  12. X.Maître, E.Hagley, G.Nogues, C.Wunderlich, P.Goy, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Quantum Memory with a Single Photon in a Cavity”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 79, 769 (1997).
  13. G.Nogues, A.Rauschenbeutel, S.Osnaghi, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Seeing a Single Photon without Destroying It”, Nature, 400, 239 (1999).
  14. A.Rauschenbeutel, G.Nogues, S.Osnaghi, P.Bertet, M.Brune, J-M. Raimond and S.Haroche, “Coherent Operation of a Tunable Quantum Phase Gate in Cavity QED”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 83, 5166 (1999).
  15. A.Rauschenbeutel, G.Nogues, S.Osnaghi, P.Bertet, M.Brune, J-M Raimond and S. Haroche, “Step-by-Step Engineered Multiparticle Entanglement”, Science, 288, 2024 (2000).8
  16. P.Bertet, A.Rauschenbeutel, G.Noguès, A.Auffeves, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “A Complementarity Experiment with an Interferometer at the Quantum-Classical Boundary”, Nature, 411, 166 (2001)
  17. S.Osnaghi, P.Bertet, A.Auffeves, P.Maioli,M.Brune, J.M.Ramond and S.Haroche, “Coherent Control of an Atomic Collision in a Cavity” Phys.Rev.Lett. 87, 037902-1 (2001).
  18. P.Bertet, A. Auffeves, P.Maioli, S.Osnaghi, T.Meunier, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond and S.Haroche “Direct Measurement of the Wigner Function of a One-Photon Fock State in a Cavity”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 89, 200402-1 (2002).
  19. A.Auffeves, P.Maioli, T.Meunier, S.Gleyses, G.Nogues, M.Brune, J.M.Raimond et S.Haroche “Entanglement of a Mesoscopic Field with an Atom Induced by Photon Graininess in a Cavity” Phys.Rev.Lett. 91, 230405 (2003).
  20. T.Meunier, S.Gleyzes, P.Maioli, A.Auffeves, G.Nogues, M.Brune, J-M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Rabi Oscillations Revivals Induced by Time Reversal: A Test of Mesoscopic Quantum Coherence”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, 010401 (2005).
  21. T.Nirrengarten, A.Qarry, C.Roux, A.Emmert, G.Nogues, M.Brune, J-M.Ramond and S.Haroche “Realization of a Superconducting Atom-Chip”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 97, 200405 (2006).
  22. S. Gleyzes, S.Kuhr, C. Guerlin, J. Bernu, S. Deléglise, U. Busk Hoff, M. Brune, J-M. Raimond and S. Haroche, “Quantum Jumps of Light Recording the Birth and Death of a Photon in a Cavity”, Nature, 446, 297 (2007).
  23. C.Guerlin, J.Bernu, S.Deléglise, C.Sayrin, S.Gleyzes, S.Kuhr, M.Brune, J-M.Raimond and S.Haroche “Progressive Field-State Collapse and Quantum Non-Demolition Photon Counting”, Nature, 448, 889 (2007).
  24. S.Kuhr, S.Gleyzes, C.Guerlin, J.Bernu, UB.Hoff, S.Deléglise, S.Osnaghi, M.brune, JM. Raimond, S.Haroche, E.Jacques, P.Bosland and B.Visentin “Ultrahigh Finesse Fabry Perot Superconducting Resonator”, Appl.Phys.Lett. 90, 164101 (2007).
  25. S.Deléglise, I.Dotsenko, C.Sayrin, J.Bernu, M.Brune, J-M.Raimond and S.Haroche, “Reconstruction of Non-Classical Cavity Field States with Snapshots of Their Decoherence”, Nature, 455, 510 (2008).
  26. J.Bernu, S.Deléglise, C.Sayrin, S.Kuhr, I.Dotsenko, M.Brune, J-M.Raimond and S.Haroche “Freezing a Coherent Field Growth in a Cavity by Quantum Zeno Effect”, Phys.Rev.Lett.. 101, 180402 (2008).
  27. M.Brune, J.Bernu, C.Guerlin, S.Deléglise, C.Sayrin, S.Gleyzes, S.Kuhr, I.Dotsenko, JM. Raimond and S.Haroche “Process Tomography of Field Damping and Measurement of Fock State Lifetimes by Quantum Non Demolition Photon Counting in a Cavity” Phys.Rev.Lett. 101, 240402 (2008).
  28. C.Sayrin, I.Dotsenko, XX.Zhou, B.Peaudecerf, T.Rybarczyk, S.Gleyzes, P.Rouchon, M.Mirrahimi, H.Amini, M.Brune, J-M.Raimond and S.Haroche “Real-Time Quantum Feedback Prepares and Stabilizes Photon Number States”, Nature 477, 73 (2011).

Selection of Review Papers in Scholarly Journals

  1. S.Haroche and D.Kleppner, “Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics”. Physics Today, 42-1, January 1989.
  2. S.Haroche and J.M.Raimond, “Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics” Scientific American (April 1993).
  3. S.Haroche, “Entanglement, Decoherence and the Quantum-Classical Boundary”, Physics Today, July 1998.
  4. J.M.Raimond, M.Brune and S.Haroche, “Colloquium: Manipulating Quantum Entanglement with Atoms and Photons in a Cavity”, Rev.Mod.Phys. 73, 565 (2001).


  1. La physique quantique (Fayard, Paris, 2004)
  2. ​​​​​​​Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities and Photons, Oxford University Press (2006). Co-authored with Jean-Michel Raimond.