Nobel Laureate discusses d-block transition metals
CityU NewsCentre
6 Dec 2016
Nobel Laureate in chemistry, Professor Ei-ichi Negishi, delivered a distinguished lecture titled "Magical Power of d-Block Transition Metals- Past, Present and Future" and met a group of students at an event held by the Institute for Advanced Study at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 1 Dec.
諾貝爾化學獎得主根岸英一教授12月1日為香港城市大學(城大)高等研究院主持講座,發表題為「d區過渡金屬魔力的過去、現在和未來」的演講,並於講座後與學生會面。根岸教授現任美國普渡大學H.C. Brown傑出化學教授。