Professor Tobin J. Marks
Professor Tobin Marks Inspires CityU with Cutting-Edge Lecture and Engaging Scientific Exchanges
17 Jan 2024
HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Tobin J. Marks recently visited the City University of Hong Kong. During his visit from 5th to 15th January, Professor Marks joined various intellectual and scholarly activities, including discussions with research groups, meetings with distinguished professors, and a captivating lecture that shed light on the future of materials science and electronics.
Tobin Marks教授到城大演講交流 啓發師生
香港高等研究院(高等研究院)資深院士Tobin J. Marks教授在1月5日至15日到訪香港城市大學(城大)。參訪期間,Marks教授於城大參與各種學術與知識交流活動,包括演講並與研究小組及傑出教授會談。
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Tobin Marks Elected to The Italian National Academy Of Sciences
CityU IAS News
30 Jul 2018
Professor Tobin J. Marks, IAS Senior Fellow, has been elected to the Italian Academy of Sciences, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
Founded in 1603, its illustrious members include Galileo Galilei, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Werner Heisenberg, and others, and, more recently, American chemists, NU alumnus Harry Gray of Caltech as well as Dick Zare of Stanford.
Founded in 1603, its illustrious members include Galileo Galilei, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Werner Heisenberg, and others, and, more recently, American chemists, NU alumnus Harry Gray of Caltech as well as Dick Zare of Stanford.
IAS Senior Fellow Professor Tobin J. Marks wins Harvey Prize in Science and Technology
Technion Website
30 Jan 2018
Professor Tobin J. Marks will receive the Harvey Prize for his ground-breaking research that has both fundamental and practical significance, in the areas of catalysis, organo-f-element chemistry, electronic and photonic materials, and coordination chemistry, all of which have strongly impacted contemporary chemical science.
兩位知名科學家於1月19日在香港城市大學(城大)主持傑出講座,分別探討電子線路材料和對無限的尋求。他們是美國西北大學化學系及材料研究中心Tobin Marks教授和中國科學院高能物理研究所所長王貽芳教授。
Distinguished lectures on materials and infinity
CityU News Centre
24 Jan 2018
Two renowned scientists discussed electronic circuitry materials and the quest for infinity, respectively, at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 19 January. They were Professor Tobin Marks, Department of Chemistry and the Materials Research Center, Northwestern University, US; and Professor Wang Yifang, Director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.