HKIAS Senior Fellows honoured with the State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award and Kyoto Prize
HKIAS Senior Fellows honoured with the State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award and Kyoto Prize
CityU NewsCentre · 5 Jul 2024
Two Senior Fellows of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), and renowned physicists, namely Professor Xue Qikun and Professor Sir John B. Pendry, received the State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award for 2023 and the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology, respectively, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to technological innovation.

Renowned Physicist Professor Qi-Kun Xue Receives China's State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award
Renowned Physicist Professor Qi-Kun Xue Receives China's State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award
HKIAS News · 25 Jun 2024
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) of City University of Hong Kong congratulates Professor Qi-Kun Xue, a distinguished physicist and Senior Fellow at HKIAS, who has been honored with China's State Pre-eminent Science and Technology Award for his outstanding contribution to scientific and technological innovation. The award was presented by President Xi Jinping in Beijing on 24 June 2024.

CityUHK President Prof. Freddy Boey Appointed as HKIAS Senior Fellow
CityUHK President Prof. Freddy Boey Appointed as HKIAS Senior Fellow
HKIAS News · 21 Jun 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Freddy Boey Yin Chiang as the Senior Fellow of the Institute. Professor Boey, currently serving as the President and Distinguished University Professor of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this prestigious role.

HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Sir John B. Pendry Receives the 2024 Kyoto Prize
HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Sir John B. Pendry Receives the 2024 Kyoto Prize
HKIAS News · 20 Jun 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) is pleased to share that Professor Sir John Pendry, our HKIAS Senior Fellow and Professor of Theoretical Solid State Physics at Imperial College London, has been awarded the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his contribution to the Theoretical Construction of Metamaterials in Materials Science.

AI's Transformative Power in Scientific Exploration
AI's Transformative Power in Scientific Exploration
HKIAS News · 11 Jun 2024
Professor Wei-Ying Ma, Huiyan Chair Professor and Chief Scientist of the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) at Tsinghua University, delivered a HKIAS Distinguished lecture titled "Generative AI for Scientific Discovery" on 11 June 2024.

Prominent Physicist, Prof. Enge Wang, Visits HKIAS at City University of Hong Kong
Prominent Physicist, Prof. Enge Wang, Visits HKIAS at City University of Hong Kong
HKIAS News · 6 Jun 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) welcomed Professor Enge Wang from June 3 to June 7, 2024. Prof. Wang, a Senior Fellow of HKIAS and University Chair Professor of Physics at Peking University, is a distinguished member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Nieng Yan wins the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award 2024
HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Nieng Yan wins the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award 2024
HKIAS News · 30 May 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study of City University of Hong Kong congratulates our Senior Fellow, Professor Nieng Yan, on winning the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award 2024.

Renowned Cognitive Neuroscientist Professor Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng Visits HKIAS at CityUHK
Renowned Cognitive Neuroscientist Professor Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng Visits HKIAS at CityUHK
HKIAS News · 21 May 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) is delighted to welcome our HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng for an academic exchange from May 9 to May 14, 2024.

New Senior Fellow Prof. Marc Fontecave joins HKIAS
New Senior Fellow Prof. Marc Fontecave joins HKIAS
HKIAS News · 20 May 2024
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Marc Fontecave, a world-renowned chemist, has been appointed as the Senior Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS), City University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Philippe Ciarlet's Visit to CityUHK: Advancing Scientific Research
Prof. Philippe Ciarlet's Visit to CityUHK: Advancing Scientific Research
HKIAS News · 13 May 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) is delighted to welcome Prof. Philippe Ciarlet, a world-renowned mathematician and our HKIAS Senior Fellow, during his stay from 11 April to 29 May 2024. Prof. Ciarlet's visit is marked by several pivotal events to advance scientific research and foster academic collaboration.

HKIAS hosts world-famous mathematicians for international conference and distinguished lecture
HKIAS hosts world-famous mathematicians for international conference and distinguished lecture
CityU NewsCentre · 9 May 2024
Exceptionally talented mathematicians from around the world gathered at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) for the HKIAS International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications hosted by the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) from 17 to 18 April. HKIAS also hosted a talk titled “On some new mathematical models and their applications”, delivered by Professor Pierre-Louis Lions, holder of the 1994 Fields Medal.

Senior Fellow, Prof. Sir John Ball, Visits CityUHK to Foster Collaboration in Mathematics
Senior Fellow, Prof. Sir John Ball, Visits CityUHK to Foster Collaboration in Mathematics
HKIAS News · 30 Apr 2024
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) hosted Prof. Sir John Ball, our HKIAS Senior Fellow, to strengthen mathematical collaborations and promote academic exchanges. Prof. Ball, a renowned mathematician and co-organizer of the HKIAS International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, participated in various academic events during his visit from 30 March to 27 April.

HKIAS Senior Fellow Prof. Way Kuo Awarded at International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
HKIAS Senior Fellow Prof. Way Kuo Awarded at International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
HKIAS News · 30 Apr 2024
Professor Way Kuo, Senior Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong, has been awarded the Special Prize and Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (IEIG).

Fields Medalist Pierre-Louis Lions Explores Mathematical Analysis and its Applications at CityUHK
Fields Medalist Pierre-Louis Lions Explores Mathematical Analysis and its Applications at CityUHK
HKIAS News · 23 Apr 2024
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS), City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), recently welcomed the HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Pierre-Louis Lions for an eventful visit from 15 April to 19 April 2024. Professor Lions, a renowned mathematician and Fields Medalist (1994), actively engaged in academic activities during his stay.

Renowned Professor Jean Salençon Explores Collaborative Opportunities at CityU HKIAS
Renowned Professor Jean Salençon Explores Collaborative Opportunities at CityU HKIAS
HKIAS News · 13 Mar 2024
The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) hosted our Senior Fellow Professor Jean Salençon from 29th February to 20th March 2024. This visit brought together professors from various departments at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) for meaningful discussions and potential collaborations.

Professor Enge Wang Engages in Academic Exchanges at CityUHK
Professor Enge Wang Engages in Academic Exchanges at CityUHK
HKIAS News · 8 Mar 2024
Our Senior Fellow Professor Enge Wang recently visited HKIAS between 4 March to 8 March 2024 and participated in academic exchanges at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK). During his visit, he attended the conference organized by the Department of Physics at CityUHK in collaboration with the Physical Society of Hong Kong and the American Physical Society. The conference brought together experts in various fields of physics, promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Professor Tobin Marks Inspires CityU with Cutting-Edge Lecture and Engaging Scientific Exchanges
Professor Tobin Marks Inspires CityU with Cutting-Edge Lecture and Engaging Scientific Exchanges
HKIAS News · 17 Jan 2024
HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Tobin J. Marks recently visited the City University of Hong Kong. During his visit from 5th to 15th January, Professor Marks joined various intellectual and scholarly activities, including discussions with research groups, meetings with distinguished professors, and a captivating lecture that shed light on the future of materials science and electronics.