是次扩展研讨会由城大高等研究院资深院士及菲尔兹奖及沃尔夫数学奖得主Stephen Smale教授领导,与美国密歇根大学Indika Rajapakse教授合办。今年的扩展研讨会是2016年「基因与染色体研讨会」的延续,目的是继续汇聚国际专家就基因组排列研究交换意见,深入了解基因功能、疾病以及染色体的相互作用及与数学的关系。
扩展研讨会有10个讨论环节,共18场讲座,吸引了跨学科人士的兴趣,接近400名学者及学生参与。其中对基因、细胞与数学的最新趋势和发展展出深入探讨,演讲题目包括 (只有英文版本):
- Folding of Proteins and RNA Using the Quantum Topology of Moduli Spaces by Prof. Jørgen ANDERSEN, Aarhus University, Denmark
- The Emergence of Next Generation Pharmacogenomics Science Enabled by the 4D Nucleome, Patient Data, and Machine Learning Methods by Dr. Brian ATHEY, University of Michigan, USA
- I. Neural Network Capacity & II. Systems Biology of Circadian Rhythms by Prof. Pierre BALDI, University of California, USA
- The Role of Heteroclinic Trajectories in Biological Modeling by Prof. Roger BROCKETT, Harvard University, USA
- GATA3 Regulates Multiple Aspects of Thymocyte Development by Prof. James Douglas ENGEL, University of Michigan Medical School, USA
- Geometric Aspects of the Dynamics and Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmias by Prof. Leon GLASS, McGill University, Canada
- Model-Free Network Control by Prof. Gemunu GUNARATNE, University of Houston, USA
- Network Inference from Multimodal Genomics by Prof. Alfred HERO, University of Michigan, USA
- Control of Growth, Form and Scale in Biology by Prof. Arthur LANDER, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Protein Structures: Space and Dimension by Dr. Shuai Cheng LI, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Genomics of Human Adipose Tissue Macrophages in Obesity by Dr. Lindsey MUIR, University of Michigan, USA
- Computational and Bioinformatic Innovations in Proteogenomics: Predicting Functions of Unannotated Proteins and Facilitating Identification of Missing Proteins by Prof. Gilbert OMENN, University of Michigan, USA
- Algorithm for Cellular Reprogramming by Prof. Indika RAJAPAKSE, University of Michigan, USA
- Genome and Transcriptome Dynamics in Cancer Development by Dr. Thomas RIED, National Cancer Institute, USA
- Beating in Unison by Prof. Stephen SMALE, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Discovering Multiple Levels of Regulatory Networks by Prof. Gary STORMO, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
- Some Applications with Medical Data by Dr. Michael XUAN, UniData Technology, China
- Localization of Heterogeneous Disease Features in Medical Imaging by Prof. Yuan YAO, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
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